Cain’s Offering Rejected   4 comments



The great mythic tale of Cain and Abel does not explain why God rejected Cain’s offering, although one might surmise that attitude might have had something to do with it.  Or maybe it is a story about agriculturalist versus pastoral societies.

I do detect in my great-grandfather’s notes upon which I base this post his antipathy for formal worship.  As I have written already in this series, I adore ritualism.




Gen. 4, 7

1.  God is no respecter of persons–is without partiality.  Is of great mercy unto all who call upon Him.

Who can doubt his good will?  When one pleases Him he smiles?  His approval is man’s joy & peace.

2.  Cain is conscious [that] God is not pleased with his formal service, and is in an ugly mood about it.  God shows him the reason.  Heb. 11, 4.  1 Jno. 3, 12.  Matt. 15, 8.

3.  He need not be mad at Abel, nor complain at God.  Sin–his own sin–is the trouble.

What a truth is here.  Rid of sin, rid of all disturbance of one’s peace.  Would men really believed it.

Cain should be mad at himself, for he is the guilty one.

4.  Cain could yet remedy the trouble and all would be well.  If he offer a righteous sacrifice God would accept him.

Men need not go another day without peace (1 Jno. 1, 9).

Do you have peace, is all well with your soul?

If not, get right with God now and you too shall rejoice in Him.


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